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Swiss Made (EN)

A beautiful pocket guide to 40 iconic objects manufactured in Switzerland.

24,90 €
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Swiss Made - English version

Iconic designs from a small country with big ideas

You'll be surprised by how many products and innovations originated in Switzerland! It’s not just the
home of pocket knives, alphorns, chocolates and watches—Switzerland is also a leader in manufacturing and design for bicycles, pens and pencils, high-tech products, recycled goods, mountain trains, and much more. Marvel at the craftsmanship of simple items such as roof shingles, skates, sleds, and musical instruments. 
In this collection of 40 quintessential Swiss products, find out more about Swiss manufacturing know-
how and the story behind cult items’ creation. And it's not just practical goods but also service-oriented
innovations used on a global scale, such as avalanche research, preservation of livestock breeds, farm
machinery and book binding. “Swiss Made” has become a synonym for quality and good design—and
these are the products behind the reputation.

Oriane Grandjean is a Swiss journalist based in Vaud, Switzerland. She covers the world of sports, particularly equestrian events and horse culture. 

Born in Geneva, Clément Grandjean grew up in the Alps in Vaud, where he now lives. He obtained a Bachelor's degree in Visual Arts, then a Master's degree in History and Art History at Lausanne University before becoming a journalist. Editor-in-chief of the weekly magazine Terre&Nature, he also works as an editor and photographer with both Swiss and foreign media.

Weitere Informationen
ISBN 9783038691730
Pages 200
Dimension 11 x 16
Launch Date 1.05.2025
Marke Bergli
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Suchmaschine unterstützt von ElasticSuite
24,90 €