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Ever heard of the Röstigraben?

Did you know, Switzerland fits into Germany eight times ... but 232 times into China? Where did Ulrich Zwingli live?  What does Switzerland do to combat climat change? Are cuckoo clocks really from Switzerland? Where was the Red Cross founded?


39,90 Fr.
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Livraison prévue entre le 21/02/2025 et le 25/02/2025
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Cartographica Helvetica

A young explorer's atlas of Switzerland

Ever heard of the Röstigraben? Did you know, Switzerland fits into Germany eight times ... but 232 times into China? Where did Ulrich Zwingli live?  What does Switzerland do to combat climat change? Are cuckoo clocks really from Switzerland? Where was the Red Cross founded?

This is the children's atlas about Switzerland, that answers all the questions that curious young minds might have! Learn intresting and amusing facts about this small country and its inhabitants. Exciting and current topics like the country's languages, inventions, energy consumption or tourism and much more will be brought to life with maps and infographics, making this diverse country in the heart of Europe accessible. The 20 especially made maps in this book promise a lively, entertaining and intensive journey. 

The following themes are covered:

Geography, population & language, war & peace, ecology, food, agriculture, tourism & transport, history, tradition, money, politics, religion, clichés, foreigners, Swiss cantons and inventions.

Children's non-fiction book for 8 years and above


  • Cool statistics and fun facts
  • 20 beautifully illustrated maps
  • The perfect gift for a curious child 
  • High-quality product with age-appropriate content
Plus d’information
Auteur·e Diccon Bewes
Illustrateur·rice CinCin Studio
ISBN 9783038691150
Pages 80
Dimensions (cm) 28 x 33.5 cm
Marque Helvetiq
Age 8+


Diccon Bewes

Diccon Bewes a grandi dans le Hampshire. Après son diplôme en relations internationales, il part en voyage autour du monde pendant 18 mois, puis commence à rédiger les récits de ses aventures. Il travaille ensuite pour Lonely Planet pendant dix ans, puis vient en Suisse, où il travaille comme libraire pour la librairie anglaise Stauffacher à Berne. Il est maintenant écrivain à plein temps et expert de la Suisse.


CinCin Studio

Dina Christ et Nicola Carpi se sont rencontrés durant leurs études en communication visuelle à la Haute école des arts de Berne. Il y a plus de dix ans, ils ont créé leur studio de conception graphique CinCin Konzept und Gestaltung. Ils vivent à Berne et sont parents d’un petit garçon

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Recherche propulsée par ElasticSuite
39,90 Fr.